1.Social innovation is always accompanied by the technological innovation as the former is a basic element of the latter.
2.It's easy to discover that the handling of frontier line and the model, the basic element in oil painting are closely related.
3.The concept of brittle link entropy is established according to the theory of set pairing in a brittle basic element.
4.In the on-line environment, just like any other social situation, the basic element is human attention.
5.Freedom of expression "is a basic element necessary for a society to be free, open and modern" .
6.At the bottom of the hierarchy is a task, the basic element of process activity.
7.Each language from some of the basic element extracted meticulously, constitutes the language of semantic expression system Co.
8.As a basic element of the economic activity, enterprises have the irremovable responsibilities to make the environment conservation.
9.As the core and basic element of the legal text and legal culture, legal terminology deserves legal translators' special attention.
10.Land is the foundation of human living and development, and also is the basic element to found the nation, and bring peace and orders to it.